I need to configure some Kubernetes resources (e.g., labels, environment variables, volumes, init containers, sidecar containers, etc.) for my Flink pods in Ververica Platform. Could you show me some examples?
Note: This section applies to Ververica Platform 2.0 - 2.8.
Ververica Platform supports two ways to configure Kubernetes resources for Flink pods running in Ververica Platform. See the Ververica Plaform's documentation for more details. This article focuses on examples and is complementary to the official documentation. Here is an overview of both approaches.
kind: Deployment # Ververica Platform Deployment (not the Kubernetes one) spec: template: spec: kubernetes: pods: <KubernetesPodOptions> # (1) jobManagerPodTemplate: <V1PodTemplateSpec> # (2) taskManagerPodTemplate: <V1PodTemplateSpec> # (2)
(1) Simplified pod options
The options configured via this approach apply to both jobmanager and taskmanager pods. This approach supports only `annotations`, `labels`, `nodeSelector`, `affinity`, `tolerations`, `imagePullSecrets`, `volumeMounts`, `securityContext`, and environment variables.
(2) Full-fledged pod templates (Recommended)
This approach is supported in Ververica Platform 2.4 and later. You configure jobmanager and taskmanager pods individually here. This approach provides full flexibility by exposing the complete Kubernetes V1PodTemplateSpec API and is our recommendation for Ververica Platform 2.4 and later.
Note: You can use only one of two approaches in a deployment. If you have some options configured via the simplified approach, and now need some advanced options like init containers, you will have to convert them to use the full-fledged approach.
The following sections will show you some often used examples.
Environment Variables
## Full-fledged Pod Templates (Recommended)
kind: Deployment
spec: template: spec: kubernetes: taskManagerPodTemplate: # or "jobManagerPodTemplate" spec: containers: # or "initContainers" - name: flink-taskmanager # or "flink-jobmanager" env: - name: VAR1 value: Hello - name: VAR2 valueFrom: secretKeyRef: # or "configMapKeyRef" name: mysecret key: password # envFrom is supported only in the full-fledged approach envFrom: # expose all key-value pairs in a configMap - configMapRef: name: myconfig
## Simplified Pod Options
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: pods: envVars: # not "env" but "envVars"! - name: VAR1 value: Hello - name: VAR2 valueFrom: secretKeyRef: # or "configMapKeyRef" name: mysecret key: password
Volumes & VolumeMounts
## Full-fledged Pod Templates (Recommended)
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: taskManagerPodTemplate: # or "jobManagerPodTemplate" spec: containers: # or "initContainers" - name: flink-taskmanager # or "flink-jobmanager" volumeMounts: - name: volume-config mountPath: /config - name: volume-secret mountPath: /secret - name: volume-data mountPath: /data volumes: - name: volume-config configMap: name: myapp-config - name: volume-secret secret: secretName: userpass - name: volume-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: myapp-data
## Simplified Pod Options
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: pods: volumeMounts: - name: volume-secret volume: name: volume-secret secret: # mount a volume from a secret secretName: mysecret volumeMount: name: volume-secret mountPath: /secret - name: volume-config volume: name: volume-config configMap: # mount a volume from a configMap name: myapp-config volumeMount: name: volume-config mountPath: /config - name: volume-data volume: name: volume-data persistentVolumeClaim: # mount a volume from a PVC claimName: myapp-data volumeMount: name: volume-data mountPath: /data
Labels & Annotations
## Full-fledged Pod Templates (Recommended)
kind: Deployment
taskManagerPodTemplate: # or "jobManagerPodTemplate"
appverion: 1.0
region: 'europe'
annotations: '9249' 'true'
## Simplified Pod Options
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: pods: labels: appverion: 1.0 region: 'europe' annotations: '9249' 'true'
Init Containers
This example is only supported by the full-fledged pod templates. It uses an init container (image: `alpine:latest`) to download `myfile.txt` before taskmanager starts and make it available to taskmanager under `/myapp-file`:
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: taskManagerPodTemplate: # or "jobManagerPodTemplate" spec: containers: - name: flink-taskmanager # or "flink-jobmanager" volumeMounts: - name: myapp-file mountPath: /myapp-file # myfile.txt is available under /myapp-file initContainers: - name: myapp-init image: 'alpine:latest' command: - sh - '-c' - >- wget -q --no-check-certificate -P /myapp-file https://path/to/myfile.txt volumeMounts: - name: myapp-file mountPath: /myapp-file volumes: - name: myapp-file emptyDir: {}
Sidecar Containers
This example is taken from Ververica Platform's doc and is supported only by the full-fledged pod templates. It adds an additional sidecar container named my-logging-sidecar
to both the JobManager and TaskManager pods.
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: jobManagerPodTemplate: spec: containers: - name: my-logging-sidecar image: taskManagerPodTemplate: spec: containers: - name: my-logging-sidecar image:
Set Resource Requests & Limits
This example is supported only by the full-fledged pod templates. It sets container resource requests and limits to different values:
kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: kubernetes: taskManagerPodTemplate: # or jobManagerPodTemplate spec: containers: - name: flink-taskmanager # or flink-jobmanager resources: requests: cpu: 0.5 memory: 500Mi ephemeral-storage: 2Gi limits: cpu: 1 memory: 1Gi ephemeral-storage: 4Gi - name: mysidecar resources: # similar for sidecar containers initContainers: - name: myinit resources: # similar for init containers
Related Information
Ververica Platform doc: simplified pod options
Ververica Platform doc: full-fledged pod templates